Dynamometer for Test Performance of Steam Turbine
To simulate energy efficiency of OTEC using Air Squared Steam turbine load test
Meaure the torque and rpm of the output shaft mounted on the turbine and connected to the dynamometer.
The test bench will be offered to include the
following elements:
- The system consists of dynamometer with eddy current brake system to load test turbine at desired loading.
- Reaction Torque Sensor or Inline Torque Sensor
- Variable D.C. Power supply with high current rating power 0-200V controlled by panel operation.
- PC base DAQ system with Computer controlled automatic power control and measurement system to monitor, braking torque at operating speed.
- Supplied controller with color touch screen LCD monitor
- Load test units rated up to 1 to 6000Hp
- Braking torque 1~38,000Nm
- Max speed 6,000~11,000RPM
- Measure with performance curve plotting torque, power, speed..
- Computer controlled automatic solenoid control.
- Endurance test and calibration modes
- Test data logging with graphical display of test cycle for analysis.
The dynamometer shall be rated for continuous duty operation at desired speed, torque and power. The braking torque developed will be smooth and infinitely adjustable. The braking torque can also be remotely adjusted.
Speed sensing: A proximity sensor, integral part of the dynamometer, will measure the test speed.
Torque sensing: Either by reaction type torque sensor (integral to the dynamometer), or by in-line brush less rotating torque sensor. Provision shall be provided for site calibration of the torque sensor.
Control Unit:
The control unit located on top of the test rig carries all the operator controls, digital indicators and dynamometer controller. The required braking torque can be adjusted either by the torque setting or by external 0-10 V DC. The control unit is a closed loop torque controller with adjustable P, I controls.
Data Acquisition System:
The PC based data acquisition system will include a PC console, high speed data acquisition
hardware and application specific data acquisition software developed on LabVIEW based graphical programming system. The PC based system loads the starter motor from no-load to stall condition(option) in a pre-set time. The PC system shall acquire instantaneous signals corresponding to the desired starter motor parameters. The acquired signals can be tabulated for evaluation and to plot the characteristics.
- No load test
- Full load test
- Performance test
- Parameters that can be monitored:
- Max Power
- Speed
- Load RPM-Torque
The turbine operated in full load and fault-free with a maximised operational load
An independent control room is set up for each test rig, from where the majority of test operations can be performed thanks to automated valves, the latest in electronic acquisition systems, and a dedicated program that controls all test rig equipment.
Data/Instruments Functions
DAQ: CompcRio
MMI Interface: LabView
• Digital flow meter display gauges mounted on the steam supply lines – measure and display the flow rate and temperature
of the steam
• Secondary controller monitored pressure display – displays the set point and acquired pressure
Energy Conversion Systems
Water, Steam and Other Circuits
The thermal energy available from geothermal sources is harvested and used in various forms and equipment.
components overview
After removing all the useful heat of steam
to produce power, the turbine exhausts the steam into the condenser unit,
which condenses the steam and pumps it via automatic pump trap to the
feed water reservoir. The condenser unit consists of a shell and tube
heat exchanger, with water flowing on the tube side and exhausted
steam on the shell side. The condenser unit has a pressure relief valve
installed on it to release the pressure of condenser, if an over pressure
develops in the condenser. There are three thermo couples connected to a
rotary switch and a digital display to monitor turbine outlet steam temperature,
condenser cooling water inlet and outlet temperatures. There is also a
condenser water flow meter and digital 19 display. The automatic pump trap has a
valve opening for the condensate from condenser, condensate to the
reservoir, motive steam into the pump and vent line. If the condensate level in pump
trap reaches a high level, which can be witnessed by the gauge sight glass,
then the pump will open the motive steam inlet valve in order to
develop pressure necessary to pump condensate into the feed water reservoir
and close the condensate inlet valve until the condensate level in pump becomes
normal. There are number of vent valves, pressure
relief valves, isolation valves and strainers mounted on the apparatus for
safety purposes.